
Read Retained SharePoint Online Logs from Blob Storage

By Denis Molodtsov
Published in SharePoint
February 10, 2025
2 min read
Read Retained SharePoint Online Logs from Blob Storage

Table Of Contents

Query the external table
Cost of running Azure Data Explorer

This is the second part of the ‘Retain SharePoint Online Logs’ article. I recommend reading first, before you dive into this article.


If you are using Sentinel to capture Microsoft 365 logs and Data Exports to export data the Blob storage, you will end up having thousands of PT5M.json files in various folders. For example:

Log files are stored deep in the folder structure
Log files are stored deep in the folder structure

Sample JSON log file:

{ "_BinSize": 20, "_BinStartTime": "2025-01-20T15:40:00.0000000Z", "_RuleLastModifiedTime": "2025-01-20T04:49:50.3950041Z", "_RuleName": "SharePointFileActivitiesPlusSharing", "_OriginalTimeGenerated": "2025-01-20T15:45:46.0000000Z", "Operation": "FileModified", "UserId": "denis@contoso.com", "ClientIP": "2607:fea8:879f:9a10:3184:a800:6b7f:35b1", "Site_Url": "https://contoso-my.sharepoint.com/personal/denis_contoso_com/", "SourceFileName": "Howard the Cat.one", "ItemType": "File", "OfficeObjectId": "https://contoso-my.sharepoint.com/personal/denis_contoso_com/Documents/Personal/8_Pets, Nature and - Science/Howard the Cat.one", "UserAgent": "Microsoft Office OneNote/16.0.18324.20092 (Windows/10.0; Desktop x64; en-US; Desktop app; ASUS/System Product Name)", "TimeGenerated": "2025-01-20T16:03:47.9818100Z", "TenantId": "aa230883-692c-4119-b714-29e622f39b1f", "_ItemId": "21d1504c-d748-11ef-b8e1-000d3a841abf", "_Internal_WorkspaceResourceId": "/subscriptions/591f62bc-9c19-472e-9039-60a78f976abb/resourcegroups/sentinel-all-in-one/providers/microsoft.operationalinsights/workspaces/sentinel-all-in-one-workspace", "Type": "SharePointFileActivitiesPlusSharing_CL"}
{ "_BinSize": 20, "_BinStartTime": "2025-01-20T15:40:00.0000000Z", "_RuleLastModifiedTime": "2025-01-20T04:49:50.3950041Z", "_RuleName": "SharePointFileActivitiesPlusSharing", "_OriginalTimeGenerated": "2025-01-20T15:49:46.0000000Z", "Operation": "FileAccessed", "UserId": "denis@contoso.com", "ClientIP": "2607:fea8:879f:9a10:3184:a800:6b7f:35b1", "Site_Url": "https://contoso-my.sharepoint.com/personal/denis_contoso_com/", "SourceFileName": "Howard the Cat.one", "ItemType": "File", "OfficeObjectId": "https://contoso-my.sharepoint.com/personal/denis_contoso_com/Documents/Personal/8_Pets, Nature and - Science/Howard the Cat.one", "UserAgent": "Microsoft Office OneNote/16.0.18324.20092 (Windows/10.0; Desktop x64; en-US; Desktop app; ASUS/System Product Name)", "TimeGenerated": "2025-01-20T16:03:47.9818100Z", "TenantId": "aa230883-692c-4119-b714-29e622f39b1f", "_ItemId": "21d15050-d748-11ef-b8e1-000d3a841abf", "_Internal_WorkspaceResourceId": "/subscriptions/591f62bc-9c19-472e-9039-60a78f976abb/resourcegroups/sentinel-all-in-one/providers/microsoft.operationalinsights/workspaces/sentinel-all-in-one-workspace", "Type": "SharePointFileActivitiesPlusSharing_CL"}
{ "_BinSize": 20, "_BinStartTime": "2025-01-20T15:40:00.0000000Z", "_RuleLastModifiedTime": "2025-01-20T04:49:50.3950041Z", "_RuleName": "SharePointFileActivitiesPlusSharing", "_OriginalTimeGenerated": "2025-01-20T15:52:20.0000000Z", "Operation": "FileModified", "UserId": "denis@contoso.com", "ClientIP": "2607:fea8:879f:9a10:3184:a800:6b7f:35b1", "Site_Url": "https://contoso-my.sharepoint.com/personal/denis_contoso_com/", "SourceFileName": "Howard the Cat.one", "ItemType": "File", "OfficeObjectId": "https://contoso-my.sharepoint.com/personal/denis_contoso_com/Documents/Personal/8_Pets, Nature and - Science/Howard the Cat.one", "UserAgent": "Microsoft Office OneNote/16.0.18324.20092 (Windows/10.0; Desktop x64; en-US; Desktop app; ASUS/System Product Name)", "TimeGenerated": "2025-01-20T16:03:47.9818100Z", "TenantId": "aa230883-692c-4119-b714-29e622f39b1f", "_ItemId": "21d15051-d748-11ef-b8e1-000d3a841abf", "_Internal_WorkspaceResourceId": "/subscriptions/591f62bc-9c19-472e-9039-60a78f976abb/resourcegroups/sentinel-all-in-one/providers/microsoft.operationalinsights/workspaces/sentinel-all-in-one-workspace", "Type": "SharePointFileActivitiesPlusSharing_CL"}

As you can see, this is a multiline JSON format.

To query a single PT5M.json file I recommend using the “Query” feature available in your Azure Log Analytics:

externaldata (
_BinStartTime:datetime ,
_OriginalTimeGenerated:datetime ,
with ( format = "multijson" );

Make sure to replace the path to the .json file with your file.

Query a single PT5M.json file
Query a single PT5M.json file

If you don’t yet have a SAS, token, create it:

Create a SAS token for the storage account
Create a SAS token for the storage account

At first, this approach might feel appealing, but in reality it won’t work if you need to query many PT5M.JSON files at once.

To query multiple PTM5M.JSON files, you will have to make sure you your Azure Storage account is using the hierarchical namespace:

hierarchical namespace
hierarchical namespace

Next, you’ll have to create the Azure Data Explorer resource.

Azure Data Explorer
Azure Data Explorer

Choose the workload. I recommend using Dev/Test for quick tests and cost savings:

Dev/Test workload
Dev/Test workload

Once the Azure Data Explorer is provisioned, create a new database:

Create a new database
Create a new database

Create a new database
Create a new database

Next, create an external table:

create an external table
create an external table

Select your blob storage as the source:

Select your blob storage as the source:
Select your blob storage as the source:

Grant the permission to query external tables:

Grant permission
Grant permission

Review the final query:

Review final query
Review final query

This is a sample query that created my external table. In your case, the query will be different:

.create external table ['February2025Events'] (['_BinSize']:int,['_BinStartTime']:datetime,['_RuleLastModifiedTime']:datetime,['_RuleName']:string,['_OriginalTimeGenerated']:datetime,['Operation']:string,['UserId']:string,['Site_Url']:string,['SourceRelativeUrl']:string,['SourceFileName']:string,['TimeGenerated']:datetime,['TenantId']:guid,['_ItemId']:guid,['_Internal_WorkspaceResourceId']:string,['Type']:string)
kind = adl
dataformat = multijson
with (FileExtension=json)

If you have too many .json files, I recommend limiting the folder path to a specific year, month and day:

limiting the folder path to a specific year
limiting the folder path to a specific year

Query the external table

To query your external tale use the following syntax:



Query the external table
Query the external table

Cost of running Azure Data Explorer

The Azure Data Explorer might be expensive to host if you are only using it occasionally. Be mindful of the costs. Even the Dev Tier will cost you over $100 USD per month.

Cost of running Azure Data Explorer
Cost of running Azure Data Explorer


Using Azure Data Explorer is really the only way to query multiple JSON files from Blob Storage in a manageable way. While it might seem like overkill at first, it’s the tool that lets you effectively run queries across thousands of PT5M.json files in your storage account. The best part? You don’t have to keep it running all the time. Simply provision it when you need to read the logs, and delete it when you’re done to save on costs.

So, if you have a ton of SharePoint Online logs and need to analyze them efficiently, Azure Data Explorer is your go-to solution. Happy querying!


SharePointAzureLog AnalyticsAzure Data ExplorerSentinel


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Measuring ShareGate Performance when Copying MS Teams
Denis Molodtsov

Denis Molodtsov

Microsoft 365 Architect

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