
Apply Modern Theme in SharePoint Subscription Edition

By Denis Molodtsov
Published in SharePoint
May 07, 2023
1 min read
Apply Modern Theme in SharePoint Subscription Edition

Table Of Contents

Apply a theme using REST API via the browser console
Use REST API via PowerShell ❌ (Does not work)

You might be shocked, but many companies still use the SharePoint server version. If you are a proud owner of the SharePoint Server Subscription Edition, you should take advantage of the modern themes but can’t find the option to apply them.

After spending a few hours trying to figure out how to apply a modern theme to SharePoint Server Subscription Edition, I finally got it working. However, I had to use a browser console. I know it’s not a great option, but it’s better than no custom theme.


Make sure to get a JSON from your theme. You can use the UI Fabric Theme Designer to create a theme. After you pick the primary color, go to Export > JSON and simply copy the JSON. You will need it later.

If you want to continue and apply a theme, you will need to be a site collection administrator on the target site.

Apply a theme using REST API via the browser console

  • Open your SharePoint site
  • Go to site content. It’s crucial for the next step.
  • Open the browser console (browser dev tools) by pressing F12.
  • Paste and run the following javascript code:
function RestRequest(url,params) {
var req = new XMLHttpRequest();
req.onreadystatechange = function ()
if (req.readyState != 4) // Loaded
// Prepend web URL to url and remove duplicated slashes.
var webBasedUrl = (_spPageContextInfo.webServerRelativeUrl + "//" + url).replace(/\/{2,}/,"/");
req.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json;charset=utf-8");
req.setRequestHeader("ACCEPT", "application/json; odata.metadata=minimal");
req.setRequestHeader("x-requestdigest", _spPageContextInfo.formDigestValue);
req.send(params ? JSON.stringify(params) : void 0);
var pal = {
"palette" : {
"themePrimary": "#1E479A",
"themeLighterAlt": "#f3f6fb",
"themeLighter": "#d0daef",
"themeLight": "#aabce0",
"themeTertiary": "#6483c2",
"themeSecondary": "#2f57a5",
"themeDarkAlt": "#1a3f8a",
"themeDark": "#163574",
"themeDarker": "#102756",
"neutralLighterAlt": "#f8f8f8",
"neutralLighter": "#f4f4f4",
"neutralLight": "#eaeaea",
"neutralQuaternaryAlt": "#dadada",
"neutralQuaternary": "#d0d0d0",
"neutralTertiaryAlt": "#c8c8c8",
"neutralTertiary": "#bab8b7",
"neutralSecondary": "#a3a2a0",
"neutralPrimaryAlt": "#8d8b8a",
"neutralPrimary": "#323130",
"neutralDark": "#605e5d",
"black": "#494847",
"white": "#ffffff"
RestRequest("/_api/thememanager/ApplyTheme", {name:"Corporate theme", themeJson: JSON.stringify(pal)});

As a result, the theme will be applied. You can verify it by going to the site settings > Change the look. You should see the “Current” theme you just applied.

Use REST API via PowerShell ❌ (Does not work)

I hoped to make it work with PnP PowerShell and the Invoke-PnPSPRestMethod method, but it didn’t.

Here is my unsuccessful attempt:

# UnInstall-Module SharePointPnPPowerShellOnline -Scope CurrentUser
Import-Module SharePointPnPPowerShellOnline
Connect-PnPOnline -Url http://spappdevse
# Define the theme properties
$themePalette = @{
themePrimary = "#1E479A";
themeLighterAlt = "#f3f6fb";
themeLighter = "#d0daef";
themeLight = "#aabce0";
themeTertiary = "#6483c2";
themeSecondary = "#2f57a5";
themeDarkAlt = "#1a3f8a";
themeDark = "#163574";
themeDarker = "#102756";
neutralLighterAlt = "#f8f8f8";
neutralLighter = "#f4f4f4";
neutralLight = "#eaeaea";
neutralQuaternaryAlt = "#dadada";
neutralQuaternary = "#d0d0d0";
neutralTertiaryAlt = "#c8c8c8";
neutralTertiary = "#bab8b7";
neutralSecondary = "#a3a2a0";
neutralPrimaryAlt = "#8d8b8a";
neutralPrimary = "#323130";
neutralDark = "#605e5d";
black = "#494847";
white = "#ffffff";
# Convert the theme properties to a JSON object
$themeJson = ConvertTo-Json $themePalette
# Create the payload for the REST request
$payload = @{
name = "Corporate theme";
themeJson = $themeJson;
$payloadJson = ConvertTo-Json $payload
# Invoke the REST request. This will fail
Invoke-PnPSPRestMethod -Method Post -Url "/_api/thememanager/ApplyTheme" -Content $payloadJson

Please let me know if someone can make it work with PnP PowerShell!


This article will help you to apply a custom theme to SharePoint Server Subscription Edition.


ThemesSharePointSharePoint Server Subscription Edition


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Denis Molodtsov

Denis Molodtsov

Microsoft 365 Architect

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